i like the style, finish it"
i like the style, finish it"
awesome! that was really cool. i enjoyed that.
was that a bond spoof giving him the Canadian flag parachute? or was it just for kicks?
either way go Canada!
great movie, pelase make more!
It was really just for fun, to be honest.
But I still do love Bond. XD Anyway, thanks for the review!
i lol'd
That Was Good For A First Animation, I Liked Your Sound Effects, May I Ask Where You Got Them From?
Anyway, I Liked This Little Bit of Killer Wire And Random Bombs, Although Your Character Movement Was Choppy, Maybe You Could Improve That For Next Time.
Overall: Good
i dont know if they gonna blam this or not.
but you r a good drawer.
i hope to see more.
= )
Gawd i hope this doesn't get blamd, my other 5 havent. Thanks for the compliments too! XD
i like your style.
i hope to see more from you. that was very cool. funny.
did you do it all in flash?
or was some of it imported or something?
either way very nice piece of art!
yes, i do believe the better flash movies and games qualify as art.
Thanks! Yes, it was all done in flash with a tablet-mouse.
There's always a bruhaha over what's art and what's not, but Flash movies are in film festivals now, so that's gotta be something!
Have you seen Nina Paley's flash-based animations, where she re-tells the Indian story Ramayana? (<a href=""></a>) She's got a sad story behind why she decided to make the animations.
reminds me of something that happened to me in real life.
i was talking to a girl, who was obsessed with me, and she was all: i luv you soo much! do you love me?
and i dont like her so i tell her:
no -.-
and she went and cut herself all voer her arm and her mom sent her to pyscology.
wow, i normally dont like sprite movies, but this was incredible, best ive ever seen.
great fighting secuences, the sprites were good,. music and sound effects were perfect.
and i loved your ending movie!
5/5 that was great!
See how Sprite movie can be good now !!! :D
Glad you enjoyed my movie^^
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Age 32, Male
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Joined on 11/1/06