well i have to say im really really disappointed..
tom spoke so highly of this game... and i cant figure out why. il be fair, theres great programming involved, but thats not the whole game. the art is fine, and the music is great, but its just not that fun.... the traveling is dull and uneventful, you know when your getting into a fight. the money earned to money needed ratio is kinda off.
the skill tree was ok, i liked that, i also liked the different talisman things that gave different abilities. but it wasnt enough to make me enjoy the game.
i guess i mmight just not like it because it didnt reach the bar all the hoopla about it had set. i was expecting much much more. i adore rpg games, and personally on summer break right now ive been going through all of them i can find, and im disappointed with this one. i prefered the MARDEK series much much more, and im anxiously awaiting the third instalment.
this game is just lacking some push, its got great programming, few bugs, ok combat, bad traveling, bad story. that was its biggest falt, was the lack of a good, propelling story.
im sorry i didnt enjoy this game. it looked promising....